How can I get bread from you?

Hopwood Breads is a single-employee-ran cottage bakery which means that I (Tyler) do all the baking and technical behind-the-scenes work out of our apartment kitchen bakery! With current spacial limitations, Hopwood Breads does one weekly pop-up showcasing a wide variety of products on a first-come first-served basis as well as single-loaf subscriptions! Any special inquiries can be sent to hopwoodbreads@gmail.com.

What makes your bread special?

Hopwood Breads specializes in long-fermented naturally leavened loaves of bread. "Naturally leavened" means that a sourdough starter is used to leaven all products instead of commercial yeast. Using a sourdough starter along with long-fermentation results in an overall lower gluten content making each loaf more digestible than the average grocery store loaf. All products also contain a portion of whole grain flour that is stone-milled in house (literally)! Using freshly-milled whole grain flour promotes a greater depth of flavor as well as nutrients that are far more bioavailable to our bodies than those found in store-bought whole grain flour.

Can I make a custom order/event request?

Any custom bread or donut inquiry can be sent to hopwoodbreads@gmail.com. Include general infomation including name, date of event, number of people, and ideal product/amount you would like to purchase. Again, Hopwood Breads is a single-employee-ran business that produces in a small apartment bakery. Inquiries do not guarantee any orders. While I would love to be able to fulfill all requests, I also have to be selective of what I do/do not take on in my schedule. That being said, I would love to make you/your loved ones day/event special if I can make it happen. Never hesitate to send me an email!

Where will you be next?

Click here to see my monthly pop-up schedule!

How do bread subscriptions work?

By purchasing a Hopwood Breads subscription you will receive a loaf of our sourdough bread at a discounted price each Wednesday of the month. There are three options for subscriptions: Ozark Country Sourdough Subscription, Baker's Choice Sourdough Subscription (a different pre-determined specialty sourdough every Wednesday), and Baker's Choice Focaccia Subscription (a different pre-determined sourdough focaccia every Wednesday). Subscriptions will be dropped off at Columbus House Brewery in Fayetteville each Wednesday. Customers will be able to pick up their loaf between 4pm-9pm. Sign ups will open on the last Monday of the previous month and close on the Sunday of the next week (or when sold out).

What are the subscription prices?

Ozark Country Sourdough Subscription- $36/month ($9/loaf)

Baker's Choice Sourdough Subscription- $44/month ($11/loaf)

Baker's Choice Focaccia Subscription- $44/month ($11/loaf)

What if I choose a Baker's Choice Subscription and I do not want one week's flavor?

If there's a particular Baker's Choice flavor that does not appeal to you, you can choose to substitute an Ozark Country Sourdough (for Baker's Choice Sourdough Subscriptions) or a Sea Salt Focaccia (for Baker's Choice Focaccia Subscriptions) for that particular week.

What if I can't make it to the pickup window this week?

That's totally okay! Just shoot me an email or a text (contact number given in confirmation email) and we'll figure something out. Any order pickup complications that are not communicated by 7pm on the day of pickup will result in the forfeiture of your loaf to the wonderful staff at Columbus House Brewery.